Environmental, Social and Governance

Message from General Chair
ESG is not a job for someone alone – everything can only be done in a team. We will do everything we can to continue in the path of my predecessors who successfully started and developed the health, safety and environment activities in the ICDA. Their work has created a solid foundation that allows us to embrace the concept of ESG.
ESG encompasses the HSE dimension, a key milestone is now being reached as we are adding the social and governance topics to our goals.
Dirk Radermacher, Afarak Elektrowerk Weisweiler GmbH (Germany)
General Chair, Environmental, Social and Governance Committee
General and Regional Chairs

Jessy Moloto
Glencore Operations
South Africa

Annelie Papadopoulos
Vargon Alloys

Dirk Radermacher
Afarak Elektrowerk Weisweiler GmbH

Pankaj Kumar Satija
Tata Steel Mining Ltd